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Shiva Lingam

In Hindu culture, the lingam is a representation of the Lord Shiva in Shivaism and is believed to be a representation of their phallus. In Ancient Sanskrit text, the word Shiva means “sign” or “symbol” which translates to “Shivas Sign”. The Lingam represents the Brahmanda, which means “cosmic egg”, symbolizing the creation of both the divine male and female energies.

Shiva Lingams represent the unity of creation, they are the link between the earth and the universe. They are a powerful amplifier of the electromagnetic field of the body and stimulate the flow of energy in the body’s meridians. They activate all the chakras strengthening and balancing the entire body. They help us to recognize what no longer serves us and to let go of those things which we may have outgrown.

The lingam has the capacity to charge the chakra system entirely unlike some other stones, as it is linked with all the chakras, not just one. Through this, the lingam may help in conversing with them all in a way that gives the spirit new value and energy. It provides protection and grounding to the body and overall energy. Shiva Lingam can balance our emotional, mental and physical being, or the whole aura. It brings the balance of yin and yang energy. With the help of this stone, we can clean our environment from electromagnetic smog. It is often used to eliminate radiation as well as various pollutants. The stone may also give the possessor the power of innovation as well as a creation that may help in bringing better paths, fresh beginnings, and new relations in life. Since the Shiva Lingam is associated with Earth it helps us connect with our environment and raise awareness about ecology. Thanks to this stone, we can meditate deeply and discover the karmic causes of all the problems in our lives. With the property of the stone in enhancing vitality, the stone brings vibrancy and strength to you and allowing you to keep having an expressive existence. The lingam is a greatly popular stone for its own capacity in developing a certain sense of uniqueness and acceptance in life of the possessor, by way of allowing him or her to see themselves in an optimistic manner.

It’s also extensively used in catering to physical needs by way of bringing balance and power, in order to help you in maintaining an important connection between the body, mind, and the soul. With its property to boost vitality, Lingam brings strength and vibrancy to you, as well as allowing you to continue a meaningful existence. Furthermore, one of the best lingam benefits is –it’ll get rid of impotence and infertility from the body, thus enabling you to living a full life where you may enjoy your femininity and masculinity. Also, it’ll transform your whole life by way of making you more efficient in maintaining an amazing balance between your home and work life. Also, the stone might make you an optimistic person who may cancel out all negativities in life effectively, in order to focus on relations, people, and things who really matter more. If you’ve been suffering from back pains, it may actually help you in aligning your own spinal cord, as well as relieve you of back pains, thus making you healthier and stronger with its own healing powers. Shiva Lingam strengthens the immune system and cleanses toxins from the body. Shiva Lingam Stone provides support if you are suffering from a chronic illness or are hospitalized. This stone is great for all those who have problems with blood circulation, digestive tract and reproductive organs. It can balance the mineral content of our body.

This stone will give the keeper the power of innovation and creation which can help bring better paths, new relations, and fresh beginnings in life. Lingam is very popular for its ability to develop a sense of acceptance and uniqueness in the life of the person possessing it, by allowing the person to see their self in a positive light. One of its best properties is the inner transformation to enable you to achieve satisfaction and peace within yourself. Shiva Lingam Stone brings courage to resolve conflicts and problems with determination. When in a relationship, this stone can enhance a sense of intimacy and closeness. It helps us think faster, organize better, and turn ideas into action. In this way, we manage to fulfill our obligations.


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