Peridot is a beautiful green gemstone with numerous healing properties ranging from, abundance and good luck, to heal chakra healing. Bringing in positive energy and facilitating creativity, Peridot is a must-need for every crystal lover!
The word "peridot" can be pronounced as "PAIR-uh-doe" or "PAIR-uh-dot." While both pronunciations are found in the dictionary, the actual word of origin for peridot is from the French word peritôt, meaning unclear, because of the numerous inclusions and internal fractures often found within peridot gemstone beads.
It is the national gem of Egypt, and the ancient Egyptians knew it as the gem of the sun. In fact, jewelry historians are now convinced that some, if not all, of the emeralds that Cleopatra was famous for wearing were not actually emeralds but deep green peridot stones from mines in Egypt
Ancient Egyptian papyrus scrolls record the mining of peridot as early as 1500 B.C. on Topazo Island (now called St. John's Island) in the Egyptian Red Sea. The island's exact whereabouts became a mystery for several centuries until being rediscovered in 1905; navigators found it difficult to find as it was often shrouded in an impenetrable thick fog.
Some peridots are extraterrestrial. This stone has been discovered in meteorites that have landed on Earth. In 1749, one such meteorite was found on a desolate hilltop in Siberia, and it was discovered that this fallen star contained many pieces of beautiful, heaven-sent peridot crystals big enough to be used in jewelry.
Composition and Formation
Peridot occurs in silica-poor igneous rocks, such as basalts. Some peridot is found in volcanic areas, while some are found embedded in meteorites. These stones are not usually of gem quality, but a few have been faceted and mounted in jewelry settings.
The shade and depth of green color present in peridot is dependent on the proportion of iron present in the stone, and the deeper the green, the smaller the amount of iron that is present.
As with many precious gems, peridot occurs most commonly in pebble-sized specimens that have been weathered by tens of thousands of years of erosion in gemstone veins. New sources of peridot include Arizona, Mexico, Oregon, Norway, Pakistan, Russia and Sri Lanka. The Canary Islands, China, Brazil, Norway, Hawaii, Australia, Brazil and South Africa provide the finest gem quality peridot stones.
Physical Healing Properties
Has a strong detoxifying effect and stimulates the liver
Enhances the function of the liver and gallbladder
Stimulates the metabolism
Helps with skin problems, even warts
Increases the effectiveness of medications and treatments
Enhances the healing of ulcers, stings and bites that cause an allergic reaction, asthma, digestive disorders, the colon, pancreas, eyesight, gastroenteritis, IBS, Crohn's disease, breasts, assists in weight gain
Assists in stimulating overdue labour, relieve swelling and unwanted growths of any kind
Alleviates heaviness of heart and all manner of heart related imbalances
Strengthens the blood and can be used to counter anaemia and poor oxygenation
An excellent stone to use in recovery from tobacco or inhalant addiction
Balances bipolar disorder and overcomes hypochondria
Assists in balancing the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands, which govern the health of the physical body, and acts as a tonic to liven the entire system making it healthier, stronger and more radiant
Supports the digestive system and the proper assimilation of nutrients from food, water and light
Strengthens the eyes with relation to astigmatism and nearsightedness
Utilized as a facilitator for the birthing process, stimulating contractions and assisting the opening of the birth canal, lessening pain
Used as a treatment for acne because it clears up unsightly blemishes by removing oil from the skin
Emotional and Mental Healing Properties
Dissolves oppressive feelings that arise from self blame and a bad conscious
Helps with stored up anger and fury
Guards against destructive jealousy that is caused by betrayal in past relationships and personal fears that you are unlovable
Helpful for transforming negative emotions like self sabotage, jealousy, agitation, and impatience into lighter emotions such as love, compassion, acceptance and gratitude
Helps you to admit your mistakes and to forgive yourself
Makes you aware of things you have neglected to do and stimulates you to make up for the damage caused
Sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness
Assists you in thinking outside the box by opening your mind to unlimited possibilities
Helps you take responsibility for your own life, especially when you believe that it is all "someone else's fault" rather than your own
Helps open, heal, and align the heart chakra
Aids in the release of egocentric behavior
Spiritual Healing Properties
The stone of the "wounded healer”
A tool to increase the benefits of Reiki sessions
Assists you in perceiving and honoring the source of all abundance
Teaches the knowledge of other-Earthly realms, including the fairy realm
Useful in connecting and communicating with other Earth beings, such as the plant and animal kingdoms
Helps you understand your destiny and your spiritual purpose
Enhances psychic abilities and intuition
Helps to keep you grounded on a day to day basis
Can strengthen a energetic shield against other’s energy and negativity
Cleansing and Charging
While the sun can charge your stones very quickly, you will want to remove the stone from the sun after an hour or two as the sun could discolor your crystals (even those that are sun-safe). You can set your stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb the powerful energy from the heavens. The time you need to charge your crystals will vary, but they can often be ready in just a few minutes.
Full Moon
Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.
Smudging your stones will immediately remove negative energies, so it is important to open a window for them to leave if you are cleansing your crystals indoors. Simply light either used bundled or loose sage with a match then blow out the flame to produce smoke. Wave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear bad vibrations. Ensure you use a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.
Charging Stones
Placing your crystal on a Selenite wand, inside an Amethyst or Quartz geode, or placing it near other charging crystals (such as Carnelian) can safely charge any stone. While smaller stones could charge in a matter of minutes, it is a good idea to keep them with the charging stones for at least 24 hours. The cleansing stones will remove negative vibrations that your crystal may have absorbed.
Visualization is a safe and powerful way of charging any of your crystals. Take time to center your energy and ground yourself, then pick up the sone in your hands. Focus on filling your hands with a radiant light through visualization for a minute or two. Focus on removing the negativity from the stone, allowing it to be cleansed and recharged with purpose. You should be able to feel the energy within the stone shift into positivity.
How to utilize Peridot
Meditation with Peridot
Peridot emits a beautiful frequency of peace and well-being, and is remarkable for use in prayers and meditations to access higher realms of consciousness and to connect with Divine energies. Meditating with Peridot promotes understanding and insight, teaching one to appreciate one’s own unique perfection and purpose in this world. It is marvelous for opening the mind to unlimited possibilities and transforming traits such as jealousy, self-sabotage and impatience into love, compassion, acceptance, and gratitude.
Peridot at Home and Office
It is believed that Peridot makes use of wood energy. In feng shui, Peridot boosts vigor, brings forth wealth, excites the body, and promotes positivity when placed in an area at home or in the office.
At the same time, Peridot makes a great home and office protection. If positioned anywhere inside the house, its wondrous vibration covers the entire home from any negative energy. Peridot assures that it gives its bearer a sense of security anywhere.
People and Relationships
Peridot enriches the relationship you have with the people around you. The energy of the stone thickens the bond, especially with your relatives. If you want to be closer with your loved ones, Peridot is the stone of your choice.
Furthermore, Peridot is a stone that gets rid of any negative energy that may ruin friendships and relationships.