Anger isn’t necessarily a negative emotion; in fact, it can be healthy to express frustration and vent when times get tough. Life should be a full spectrum where we experience all the colors of emotion as long as we don’t get locked into them. Too much anger, always feeling frustrated, and being quick to feel weighed down by stress can impact our health, our spiritual sense of wellbeing, and have a negative impact on those around us too. Expressing anger is important to our emotional well-being, but so is releasing it and learning to move on from it. When you’ve let pent up anger fester inside for too long, or you haven’t yet learned how to manage feelings of anger to prevent them from taking control of your life, it might be time to learn some tools to help you process and express anger in a healthier way.
Anger is often called a secondary emotion because we tend to resort to anger in order to protect ourselves from or cover up other vulnerable feelings. A primary feeling is what is what is felt immediately before we feel anger.
We almost always feel something else first before we get angry. We might first feel afraid, attacked, offended, disrespected, forced, trapped, or pressured. If any of these feelings are intense enough, we think of the emotion as anger or we use anger as a cover emotion as to not feel sad or scared because those emotions can be more difficult to deal with rather than anger.
For your emotional healing, if you feel anger, you should journal and rant out your feelings to see if you can reach the emotions that your anger is covering up and work through those emotions so you get to the root.
Crystals for anger are often stones that are ripe with opposing energy. These are gems that are laced in light, love, and serenity. They usually work for the throat chakra and the heart chakra helping to facilitate balanced communication, trust, and compassion for oneself and others. Take a look at some of the most essential crystals for overcoming excess anger, frustration, and stress.
Rose Quartz:
Rose Quartz is the perfect stone for encouraging self-love and harmony in relationships. It’s the stone of unconditional love, and it radiates beautiful loving vibrations. This stunning pink crystal dispels negativity and brings deep feelings of inner peace. This means you can forgive yourself and others more easily. If you’ve become very hostile towards yourself, carry Rose Quartz with you to promote self-forgiveness and acceptance. Rose Quartz is also a calming and reassuring crystal. It’s especially useful to comfort in times of grief.
Hematite is an incredible protector stone and a dab hand at helping to turn frustration into something more productive and satisfactory. It keeps bad vibes at bay and puts you on the path to positive action.
Bloodstone is one of the best crystals for anger. It reduces irritability, giving you time to figure out what’s making you angry – and then address it. This highly powerful crystal dispels confusion and aggressiveness. This means you can calm down and make decisions with a clear mind. Bloodstone is a calming stone, and it is also useful for reducing impatience.
This is an incredibly soothing gemstone that acts as a great energetic healer, cleansing away the irritability, distress, and rage from our energetic field. It tones down the effect of negative emotions and takes away the feeling of powerlessness. Chrysocolla belongs to the group of crystals for anger, because it encourages forgiveness and eliminates highly charged negative energy from our mental and spiritual space so that anger can no longer have power over us.
Pink Opal:
Pink Opal is a great stone to have in situations when we are exposed to unpleasant events that trigger rash or aggressive reactions in us. This crystal harmonizes our energy and neutralizes the energy coming from our surroundings, helping us be more relaxed in times of distress. It is a crystal of peace, but also a crystal that can help minimize our tendency to lash out, suppress, or express aggressively. Furthermore, it helps us resolve inner conflicts and battles so that our anger and frustrations can’t hold power over us.
Amethyst is a brilliant crystal for anger, especially if you suffer from mood swings. It’s a powerful crystal with protective energy that soothes irritability and relieves stress. Another great benefit of Amethyst is that it dispels fear and anxiety, which can often be the cause of anger. By clearing negative vibrations, this beautiful purple crystal helps you dissolve aggressiveness and violent tendencies. You can also use Amethyst for increasing inner peace and positive transformation.
With its deep connection to the Throat chakra, Aquamarine is another great crystal for anger. It’s a soothing stone that radiates calming energies. Extremely sensitive people might struggle to contain their anger. Aggressiveness and harsh words are often the results. By reducing stress and anxiety, Aquamarine helps you release anger and overcome judgement. Aquamarine’s association with the Throat chakra makes it the perfect crystal for promoting self-expression. It’s also great for soothing fears.If you often feel irritable, you can meditate with Aquamarine. It’ll open your intuition and help you relax.
Carnelian calms uncontrolled anger, which is why it’s one of the best crystals for irritability. As a stabilizing stone, Carnelian helps you overcome negativity and replaces it with a love of life. This amazing crystal is often used to boost fertility and stimulate sexuality, but it is also fantastic for calming frustration and anger. In fact, this powerful crystal dissolves negative emotions such as envy, rage, and resentment you may feel towards others. Since it encourages creativity and courage, Carnelian is especially useful if you need to settle a disagreement.
This soft white stone has a calming effect. It is a gentle, soothing, nurturing stone that can dissolve hate, anger, resentment, and self-hatred transforming these harmful negative emotions into calm, peace, and tranquility. It can also help us to be patient while we learn to deal with our negative emotions. Controlling our energies is a process, it never happens overnight.
Smokey Quartz:
Because of its strong connection to the Root chakra, Smokey Quartz is excellent for calming anger. This crystal neutralizes negative vibrations and lifts negativity.
This helps you let go of anger, resentment, and other negative emotions that could hold you back. With its powerful healing vibrations, Smokey Quartz brings deep emotional calmness and releases stress. This gives you the opportunity to calm down and take a few deep breaths to release your anger. Smokey Quartz is also very useful if your anger is linked to grief, loss, or sorrow.
Other crystals that help with anger:
Lapis Lazuli
Black Tourmaline
Red Tiger’s Eye