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Chakras connection to the Glands (Endocrine System)

A more in depth examination of how science and spirituality go hand in hand.

The CHAKRA SYSTEM has a correlation to the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM

Understanding how the chakras and the endocrine glands relate opens the opportunity for insight into the body. Each endocrine gland has a relative or corresponding chakra. Understanding these connections provides tools to assist in venturing deeper into the relationship of science and ancient philosophy, in other words, self-discovery. Here lies a bridge between western and eastern healing arts.

Chakras interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven main Chakras discussed here are associated with one of the seven endocrine glands and also with a particular group of nerves called a Plexus.

Each of the Chakra’s or Energy Centres has Governance over particular areas of your body. One of the strongest associations to affect your health and well-being is that formed with your Endocrine system. The endocrine system is part of the body’s main control mechanism.

The endocrine system is like the conductor of the orchestra communicating with the many intricate parts of the human body. This system is a collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate body functions such as growth, metabolism, digestion, sleep, mood, reproduction, development, sexual function, stress response, immune response, and cyclical cycles.

The glands of the endocrine system uses hormones as chemical messengers. Together with the nervous system, the endocrine system works to communicate with the body to coordinate its functions and interactions. The hypothalamus is the area of the body where the nervous system communicates with the glandular system. The nervous system, through the hypothalamus interprets outside signals and communicates those signals, via hormones released by glands, to the rest of the body. The endocrine system is slower than the nervous system, however, its effects last longer. Hormones circulate through the bloodstream, targeting specific cells that match to those hormones – this is a lock and key system. By adjusting the hormone levels, the endocrine system works to maintain the body in a state of optimum health.

The link between the Chakra’s and the glands emphasises the holistic nature of health and demonstrates that you need to maintain a balance in your emotional and mental activities as well as your physical diet and exercise, as they are all deeply interrelated. The Chakras located in the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side. The Chakras can have various levels of activity. When they are open they are considered operative in a normal fashion. Ideally, all Chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this usually is not the case, the ideal state is where the Chakras are balanced.

A variety of health problems may be caused by Chakra Imbalances affecting the associated Endocrine Gland and resulting in illness. This guide can hopefully help, like a map, so you can figure out what direction you need healing.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) & Pineal Gland

Known as the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara sits above the head and is regarded as a gateway to the energy of the universe, or as a passageway to connecting to the higher self. It represents an energy of connection, spirituality and clarity.

It is said to relate to the Pineal gland, which is located in the brain above the Hypothalamus. It is a light sensitive gland that produces the melatonin hormone to regulate sleep. Its proper functioning helps to improve thinking power and intelligence.

For being such a tiny structure, the pineal gland is considered a somewhat mysterious organ, as its function was discovered last of the endocrine glands. The pineal gland was once dubbed the “third eye,” which originated for many reasons, ranging from its location deep in the center of the brain to its connection to light. Which also makes sense that people can interchange the pineal gland to the third eye chakra, these two glands seem to govern each other. While researchers are still learning about the full purpose of the pineal gland, they believe it most likely concerns melatonin—the only hormone that the gland is known to produce and release.

This Chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this Chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.If it is under-active, you are not very aware spiritually. You are probably quite rigid in your thinking. If this Chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualising things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and probably ignoring your bodily needs.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Melatonin   

  • Exhaustion, Epilepsy, Cerebrum, Pineal Gland, Right Eye.

  • The Crown Chakra governs the top of the spinal cord, brain stem, pain centre and nerves.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) & Pituitary Gland

Known as the ‘third eye’ or ‘mind's eye’, The Ajna Chakra is the body's command centre. It is responsible for our sensory perception, conscious and subconscious mind, as well as regulating the other chakras and energy channels. Located at the eyebrow center, Ajna corresponds to the Pituitary gland, known as the ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system - it serves to regulate the entire system and exerts control of a number of important area such as sexual function, stress, energy levels, blood pressure and growth.

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the Autonomic Nervous System/Pituitary Gland. It is the centre of psychic power, spirit energies, higher intuition and light. This Chakra is about insight and visualisation. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasise. If it is under-active you are not very good at thinking for yourself and you may tend to rely on authoritative people. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily. If this Chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Somatotrophin, Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) , Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), Luteinising hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin (PRL), Growth hormone (GH), Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)

  • Glaucoma, Headaches, Neurological problems, Cerebellum, Nose, Pituitary, Central Nervous System, Left Eye.

  • The Third Eye Chakra governs the pituitary gland, pineal gland, skull, eyes, brain, nervous system and the senses.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddi) & Thyroid Gland

Vishuddi Chakra is located in the throat, and relates to communication, expression, truth, and growth. As we learn to express our truth without fear, we facilitate an opportunity for growth - growing into our higher self. The thyroid gland is located at the base of the throat, and is responsible for regulating the body's metabolic rate controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance - essentially the growth and development of our physical body.

This Chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself and you might be doing so in a creative way.  It is the centre for sound, communication, speech, writing and thought expression. When this Chakra is under-active, you tend to not speak as much and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this Chakra. If this Chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You are a bad listener if this is the case.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Thyroxine, triiodothyronine, Calcitonin

  • Asthma, Neck Problems, Lungs, Hypoactive Thyroid, Throat, Jaw, Alimentary Canal, Vocal Cords.

  • The Throat Chakra is associated with the Respiratory System/Thyroid Gland.

  • The Throat Chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, teeth, tongue and jaw.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) & Thymus Gland

The heart chakra represents an energy of love, trust, forgiveness and openness. Located in the spine behind the sternum, it directly corresponds to the thymus gland. The thymus plays a role in immunity, autoimmunity and ageing - producing T blood cells to fight disease and illness. Only when we are in optimal health and wellbeing can we begin to express unconditional love towards ourselves and others.

As the Heart Chakra is about Love, kindness and affection when it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, you work at harmonious relationships.  It is the centre of Compassion, Love, Group Consciousness and Spirituality. When your Heart Chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant. If this Chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your Love and your Love probably has quite selfish reasons.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Lymphocytes, thymosin, thymopoietin, and thymulin

  • The Heart Chakra is associated with the Circulatory System and Thymus Gland.

  • Cancer, Autoimmune diseases, High Blood Pressure, Heart Problems, Thymus, Blood, Circulatory System, Involuntary Muscles, chest pains.

  • The Heart Chakra governs the heart, lungs, blood and circulation.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) & Pancreas Gland

Manipura relates to energy, assimilation and digestion. It is our sense of self - encompassing willpower, fire, self esteem and transformation. Located between the belly button and the ribs at the solar plexus, Manipura corresponds both in location and function to the Pancreas. The Pancreas’ main role is to produce insulin and glucagon - regulating blood sugar levels in the body. It plays an important part in the digestion process, transforming food into energy and managing sugar levels.

This Chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self-esteem. When this Chakra is under-active you tend to be passive and indecisive. You are probably timid and don’t get what you want. If this Chakra is overactive you are domineering and probably even aggressive.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, ghrelin, and pancreatic polypeptide

  • The Navel Chakra governs the stomach, upper intestines, upper back and upper spine.

  • Diabetes, Digestive / Adrenal organ illness, Hypoglycaemia, Uclers.

Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana) & Reproductive Glands

Swadisthana represents an energy of creativity, pleasure, sexuality, control and morality. It relates to our emotions, sexuality and creativity, connecting us to inspiration and beauty. Located slightly below the belly button in the groin, Swadisthana corresponds directly with reproductive organs, the testes and ovaries. Responsible for producing sex hormones which in turn can have significant influence over our emotions.

This Chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely and are expressed without you being over emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a poker face, the Sacral Chakra is under-active. You are not very open to people. If this Chakra is overactive you tend to be emotional all the time. You will feel emotionally attached to people and can be very sexual.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra: 

  • Hormone Secreted: Estrogen/Testosterone, progesterone

  • The Sacral Chakra governs the sexual organs, Ovaries / Testicles, bladder, bowel and lower intestine.

  • Bladder problems, Frigidity, Gall and Kidney Stones, Reproductive Organs, Vaginal Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Pelvic Disease.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) & Adrenals

The base Chakra, Muladhara, relates to our primal needs - food, sleep, sex and self preservation. It is our sense of security, stability and safety. Muladhara is located at the base of the spine between the anus and genital. Whilst no organ is located here, the Muladhara chakra is often related to the Adrenal Glands. The Adrenals are responsible for responding to stress, regulating blood pressure, and producing the hormone adrenaline - otherwise known as the fight or flight response when survival is being threatened.

It is the centre of physical energy, grounding and self-preservation. The Root Chakra is about being physically here and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don’t unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.

If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root Chakra is probably under-active. You would easily feel unwelcome. If this Chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You are probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.

Possible Physical Areas Affected by an Out of Balance Chakra:

  • Hormone Secreted: Epinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, which stimulates the “fight or flight” response

  • The Root Chakra is associated with the Adrenal cortex glands.

  • The Root Chakra governs the back, feet, hips, spine and legs.

  • Anorexia, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Auto-Immune Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, AIDS, Fatigue, Kidney, Spinal Column.

Your Consciouness is Linked to the Body

Modern quantum biology and ancient knowledge all agree on one essential principle: regardless of how life started in the universe, matter doesn’t generate consciousness or mind – it’s actually the other way around.

Matter, or the physical form, is manifested through consciousness. To each and every one of us, life is a very personal and unique experience. However, we all have the same basic building blocks; we all have these biological bodies with organs and hormones, and energy systems.

Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, can be divided into seven categories and each of these categories can be associated with a particular Chakra.

Thus, the Chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body but also particular parts of your consciousness. When you feel a tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the Chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress and in the parts of the physical body associated with that Chakra.

When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness and therefore in the Chakra associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that Chakra and communicated to the parts of the body controlled by that Plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time or reaches a particular degree of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level. Again, the symptom serves to communicate to the person through their body what they have been doing to themselves in their consciousness.

When the person changes something about their way of being, they are able to release the stress that had been creating the symptom and they are then able to return to their natural state of balance and good health.

Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life and everything that happens in your body begins with something happening in your consciousness.


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