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Azurite has a long historical record that stretches back into antiquity.  For the most part, people thought of it as a source for copper ore and blue pigment, rather than as a talisman with healing properties.  Its name comes from the Persian lazhaward, or “blue”, the same word from which Lapis Lazuli derives.

In antiquity, significant deposits were located in Egypt and Armenia.  The primary use of Azurite was as a source for blue paint, as well as for jewelry and various ornamental purposes.  However, Azurite is relatively soft compared to other gemstones and its color fades over time, so jewelers used it sparingly. The oldest known example of Azurite dates back to the Fourth Dynasty (2613-2494 BCE) in a pyramid complex in lower Egypt. Pliny the Elder’s Historia Naturalis, described Azurite in his book on paintings and colors, referring to it as “Armenium,” meaning a stone from Armenia.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to grind Azurite into a powder and mix it with various liquids to make blue, green and grey paints, dyes and glazes.  The practice soon spread north to Rome and then the rest of Europe.  Azurite deposits in Germany made it a cheap source of blue pigment and so painters frequently used it during the medieval period, the Renaissance and as late as the 17th century.  For example, in this portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger, the background uses Azurite.

The specific shade of blue depends on the purity of the Azurite, as well as how finely it is ground.  Sometimes the paint can be a greenish hue, especially in the case of older Azurites that were in the process of turning into Malachite.  Azurite is better for adding depth to a sea, rather than lightness to a sky.  Azurite was a relatively cheap source of blue dye, compared to paintings made from ultramarine or Lapis Lazuli.  But with its unstable color, paintings that used Azurite fade at a much higher rate than those painted with the more expensive blue pigments.  For example, in this oil painting by Michelangelo the dress of Mary Magdalene (figure on far right) uses Azurite.  Originally the dress would have been a lovely shade of blue, but it has now faded to a sickly shade of olive green.


Where Azurite is Found

Azurite is mined in copper deposits in numerous locations worldwide.  Some of the more notable deposits are in Australia, Austria, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom and United States.

Mining and Treatments

Geologists and prospectors use Azurite as an indictor mineral when looking for copper.  The industrial mental may be directly below the gemstone or simply nearby.  Such deposits are rarely large enough to be worthwhile for industrial copper mining.  But it can be a fantastic opportunity for artisanal miners who can mine both the metal as well as various secondary minerals.  Azurite is usually mined in its primary location, still embedded in the original rock.  It is usually massive or nodular, often growing as a thin layer on top of the matrix rock or combined with other copper minerals. Azurite can also sometimes form as stalactites or beautiful semi-precious gemstones.  When found in crystal form, it can have as many as 100 faces!  But oftentimes, Azurite is only a thin blue mineral growing on top of the matrix rock or combined with other copper-minerals, rather than distinct crystals.  If the Azurite is of sufficiently high quality and is relatively easy to extract, the miners typically sold to the jewelry industry or the collectors’ market.  It is typically enhanced only by cutting and polishing.  However, jewelers may choose to coat the semi-precious gem with a fine resin or other substances to stop the natural weathering process that transforms Azurite into Malachite.   The resin helps to stabilize and protect the natural color.

Mineral Family

Azurite belongs to the Carbonite mineral family.  These minerals are an important part of the Earth’s crust and are located in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Carbonates are minerals which contain the carbonate group CO3 as their basic structural unit. They form in a trigonal system with one Carbon atom centrally located between 3 Oxygen atoms.

Azurite Formation and Crystal Associates

Azurite is a rare secondary, copper-derive mineral. It is formed when carbon-dioxide-rich water reacts with subsurface copper ores.  The carbonic acid in the waters dissolves some of the copper, which is then transported to another geochemical environment.  If the new location has a hotter temperature, the water will evaporate leaving trace minerals behind which can then form into Azurite and other minerals.  Later on, if Azurite becomes exposed to the open air and allowed to weather, it will transform into green Malachite.  Occasionally, stones are found that capture this process in action, a striking stone known simply as Azurite-Malachite.


Azurite is an awe-inspiring powerful healing crystal that optimizes the mind, body, and soul. It supports self-reflection, transports to the spiritual world, and delivers spiritual guidance from higher realms for spiritual growth and development. This stone benefits light workers, people going through hard times and struggling to find their divine purpose.

Physical Healing Benefits

Azurite helps with detoxification, particularly when it comes to helping the physical body eliminate toxins in the liver. With its physical healing properties, Azurite is good for stomach issues and soothing digestive problems.

Some of the ways azurite is used as healing stones include the following ailments:

  • Respiratory System - Azurite can be used to help heal throat ailments, such as sore throats and tonsillitis. It is said to fight infections in the mouth, gums, and jaw.

  • Inflammation - Azurite crystals are thought to help with inflammation and swelling in the wrists, shoulders, and fingers.

  • Circulatory System - Blood disorder. Some crystal healers believe azurite can help with disorders such as anemia and leukemia.

  • Detoxification - Azurite is believed to be helpful when it comes to detoxing the body of poisons, such as mercury.

  • Skeletal System - Azurite healing properties are thought to help strengthen bones and teeth.

  • Neurological - Brain damage. Azurite is believed to help with brain damage, such as concussions.

  • Ear Health - Vertigo. It is said that azurite can cure feelings of imbalance or vertigo.

Emotional Healing Properties

The azurite stone also has healing properties that can affect the emotional mind. This malachite crystal can offer the following healing powers:

  • Stress - Azurite healing stone is thought to help with stress relief and relaxation. It is also helpful in removing negative thoughts, allowing you to create a spiritual connection with the more positive aspects of your life.

  • Anxiety - This mineral’s healing properties can help calm the mind, which can lower feelings of anxiety. There are also some more natural ways to thin out your anxious personality.

  • Grief - Azurite lends comfort and support during the grieving process. This mineral can be helpful in helping a person through grief, easing feelings of sadness and loss, and mending a broken heart.

  • Creativity - Azurite stimulates creativity. It is said to bring out the artist’s inspiration and ideas. Since then, its blue pigment was also used in arts, clothes’ dye, and paintings.

  • Intuition - Like many blue crystals, azurite is often thought to increase intuition and divination abilities. It can help with communication between this world and the spiritual planes.

  • Communication - Azurite fosters calm reflection and allows ease of communication with spirit guides and angels.

  • Memory - It is thought that the azurite crystal can help with improving memory.

  • Calming - This stone is known as a “mirror for the soul” and is a good stone for self-reflection. Azurite aids in resolving emotional trauma.

  • Fear - Many people also use azurite to help with feelings of fear, such as the fear of failure.

Metaphysical Healing Properties

Many people believe that azurite has metaphysical abilities that affect energy, consciousness, perception, etc. People often meditate with azurite crystals or use them for their ability to stimulate creativity, intuition, and psychic abilities. This copper ore mineral is thought to help increase telepathy and clairvoyance abilities.

Some of the ways you can use this light blue stone include the following:

  • Intuition - Azurite is believed to help improve intuition and encourage psychic dreams. It is sometimes used for dreamwork because of this property. This mineral works well with the crown chakra, which enhances spiritual development and discernment.

  • Psychic Ability - Azurite is believed to be effective in heightening your psychic awareness, making it easier for you to tap into your mind’s potential. To use this stone effectively for developing your psychic powers and abilities, meditate with the azurite mineral over some time.

  • Dreams - Azurite is a wonderful stone when it comes to remembering dreams and spiritual insights. It is thought to enhance dream recall, which can lead to vivid dreams and more insight into your subconscious thoughts.

  • Spiritual Development - Azurite encourages the expansion of awareness and spirituality because of its ability to calm the spirit while stimulating intuitive thinking. This blue crystal is often used for seeking inner wisdom, allowing you to find the spiritual guidance you need for effective communication with your spirit.

  • Divination - Azurite assists in different spiritual practices and divination. It benefits light workers, mystics, and healers in their intuitive readings, mediumship, and channeling spiritual guidance.


The azurite stone works well with the crown and third-eye chakra. Here is how it works with each:

  • Crown Chakra - Meditating with azurite can be especially beneficial for your crown chakra. It can open and unblock the flow of energy in this area.

  • Third-Eye Chakra - When you meditate with azurite, it can help to clear blocked energy from the third-eye region of your body. Using it to open your third-eye chakra can also lead to psychic gifts or prophetic dreams.

  • Throat Chakra - Azurite is a stone of communication and can help one to speak eloquently when sharing ideas. It helps people to express themselves clearly in order for others to understand them better. In turn, it is an excellent stone for spiritual teachers and students because it assists both in speaking their truth without hiding anything.

  • Heart Chakra - Where we learn to send love out into the world and how we choose to take love in.


Azurite stones need to be cleansed before you can charge them. You can cleanse your azurite stones in one of the following ways:

  • Full Moon - Cleansing your stones with the full moon is an excellent way to remove negativity. At twilight, place your crystals on a windowsill or a place where they will be able to absorb the light of the moon (and its vibrations). Remove the stone the following morning before the sun gets too high into the sky. You can also place several stones on a grid to charge with a specific intention.

  • Charging Stones - Placing your crystal on a Selenite wand, inside an Amethyst or Quartz geode, or placing it near other charging crystals (such as Carnelian) can safely charge any stone. While smaller stones could charge in a matter of minutes, it is a good idea to keep them with the charging stones for at least 24 hours. The cleansing stones will remove negative vibrations that your crystal may have absorbed.

  • Candle - Light a candle and place your Azurite next to it for at least 30 minutes to let the candlelight cleanse it.

  • Soil - Find a patch in the ground and bury the crystal in the soil. Leave it there for at least 24 hours. Alternatively, you can bury it in a plant pot with soil.


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