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Blog Posts
Charm Scoops
Charm casting is a form of divination that uses charms, trinkets, or small objects. The charms are cast/thrown or placed onto a casting...
Crystals for Aries
Aries, born between March 21st and April 20th are loud, proud, strong and brave. They are the baby of the zodiac only in that they are...
Crystals & Sun Safety
There are many ways to cleanse your crystals before putting them to use, including placing them in water or cleansing them in the sun or...
With its soothing energy and subtle beauty, prehnite may be an easy crystal to overlook. Although, if you take the time to get to know...
Bloodstone is dark green with red or yellow spots and blotches. It used to be known as Heliotrope, from the Greek meaning 'sun turner'....
Crystals for Grief
Dealing with loss is never easy but grief can feel enormous and ever consuming. Crystals aren’t a magic wand that can take the pain away,...
Stones For Personal Power
Personal power is based on strength, confidence, and competence that individuals gradually acquire in the course of their development. It...
Auralite 23
Auralite Minerals Auralite, or auralite 23, is renowned as a very rare and powerful crystal. If you own this crystal, you are a very...
Unicorn Crystal
A fairly recent find from Madagascar, Unicorn Stone is comprised of: Lepidolite– Calming stone with natural Lithium inclusions that helps...
Chakras, Meridians, and Dantians
What are they? They are each a different energy system in our body. Each one works together to create a map or a field guide on how to...
Aquamarine healing properties are some of the most cherished benefits brought to us from the crystal kingdom. Discover how they can...
Chakra Healing for Healthy Relationships (With Crystal Pairings)
We are all social beings, and need healthy, supportive relationships to feel safe and grow, to one extent or another. According to...
Crystals for Anxiety & Stress
Stress can affect everything we do, think or feel. It can also affect our body functions. We can experience and cope with stress...
Quantum Healing Machine (Biofeedback.)
Quantum healing is an alternative healing method that can help heal all parts of you, (mind, body, and soul,) through energies and...
Crystals for Shadow Work
Shadow work is a journey inward to reclaim the darkness and light within you. Shadow work helps you gain an intimate understanding of...
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