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Blog Posts

Unwrap the Magic: Why Crystals Make the Ultimate Stocking Stuffers and Christmas Gifts
Crystals have enchanted people for centuries, known for their stunning beauty and believed healing properties. With the holiday season...

Chakras connection to the Glands (Endocrine System)
A more in depth examination of how science and spirituality go hand in hand. The CHAKRA SYSTEM has a correlation to the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM...

Inner Child Healing
Inner child work involves revisiting and nurturing the wounded aspects of one's past, often stemming from childhood experiences.

Shadow Work Journaling Prompts
Shadow work can feel like a bit of a vague term when you’re a beginner and sometimes knowing where to even begin in your journey can feel li

Shadow Work
Within each of us lies two parts of a whole: the person we want to be and some part of us that conflicts with that ideal version of ourself

Benefits of Himalayan Salt
About Himalayan Salt Himalayan Salt is a type of salt that is mined from the Khewra Salt Mine in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It has a...

The Color Theory
Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a form of therapy that uses color and light to treat certain mental and physical health...

Blocked Emotions (How to Process Emotions)
What are blocked emotions and how do they effect you? An emotional blockage is a defense mechanism of our ego that prevents us from...

Singing Bowls
Singing bowls have been used in Tibetan culture since the 12th century. These metal bowls come in different sizes and each one produces a...

Psychic Shield and Protection
Psychic attack is a fancy name for negative energy being focused on you with the conscious or subconscious intention to inflict harm upon...

Crystals for Dark Night of the Soul
Dark night of the soul can look and feel like a few different things. The basic understanding is that when we go through spiritual...

How to Connect to your Spiritual Abilities
I first want to warn that if you have anxiety and depression, you should do shadow work first and foremost before trying to get...

When Crystals Break
Crystals break for various reasons. Sometimes we’re complete with the lessons those gems bring. Other times, they’re complete with the...

In our world these days, everything moves so fast. We seem to be taking in more stress than we're able to hold or carry. Being grounded...

Evil Eye
The evil eye dates back about 5,000 years. The earliest known belief in the power of the evil eye predates ancient Roman and Greek times....

Charm Scoops
Charm casting is a form of divination that uses charms, trinkets, or small objects. The charms are cast/thrown or placed onto a casting...

Quantum Healing Machine (Biofeedback.)
Quantum healing is an alternative healing method that can help heal all parts of you, (mind, body, and soul,) through energies and...

The Benefits of Different Smudge Bundles
What is sage and where did it originate? Burning sage, or any type of smudge, is a spiritual practice that is ancient. Smudging has been...

The Benefits of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
What are essential oils and how are they made? Essential oils are natural compounds extracted from plants. These extracts hold the plants...

Crystals & Water
Crystal infused drinking water. If you are unsure if the crystals you’d like to use are safe to be placed in water go check out our last...
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